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16. Next, enter a name for the volume group. In this example setup, I ll use system . After specifying the name, select Continue and press Enter. You next see a list of all devices that are available for the LVM environment, which in this case is just one device that probably has the name /dev/sda2 (see Figure 1-23). Select the device and select Continue once more to return to the main screen of the LVM setup program.

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Add Header and Footer to PDF using iTextSharp C# | ASPForums.Net
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Archive Manager (also known as File Roller), shown in Figure 11-13, is Ubuntu s archive tool. It s the default program that opens whenever you double-click .zip files (or .tar, .gz, or .bzip2 files, which are the native archive file formats under Linux). If you want to start the program manually, click Applications Accessories Archive Manager.

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Figure 1-23. In most situations, you ll select the device /dev/sda2 to be used by the Logical Volume Manager. 17. From the LVM main screen, select Create logical volume. Next, select the volume group that you have just created and enter a name for the first logical volume that you want to use (see Figure 1-24). I recommend using the name of the file system you are going to mount on the logical volume, so root is a decent name for the root file system, var is good if you are going to mount the /var directory on it, and so on. I ll show you how to create the root logical volume in this and the following step. Make sure to repeat these steps for all other volumes that you want to create.

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Figure 11-13. Archive Manager To extract files from an archive, select them (hold down the Ctrl key to select more than one file), and then click the Extract button on the toolbar. To create an archive, start Archive Manager and click the New button. Give the archive a name, and then drag-and-drop files onto the Archive Manager window. When you ve finished, simply close the Archive Manager window.

To change the formatting from attribute centric (as shown in the previous example) to element centric, which means that a new element will be created for each column, you need to add the ELEMENTS keyword after the FOR XML RAW clause as shown in the following example: 1. Replace the existing query in the query window with the following query and click Execute: SELECT ProductModelID, Name FROM Production.ProductModel WHERE ProductModelID between 98 and 101 FOR XML RAW,ELEMENTS 2. You will see a link in the results pane of the query window. Click the link, and you should see the results shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 1-24. Every logical volume needs a unique name. 18. Now enter the size that you want to assign to the logical volume. Even if logical volumes are quite flexible, you should try to specify a realistic size here. Next, specify the file system sizes that you want to use on your logical volumes and finalize the LVM setup procedure by clicking Finish.

You can use the Dictionary tool to look up the definition of words using either a dictionary stored on the hard disk or one online, at the Cambridge Dictionary web site. The dictionary on the disk is a 1913 edition of Webster s, so its word definitions are hardly current and don t take into account any recent vocabulary, but the online dictionary is certainly up-to-date.

Figure 11-14. Dictionary You ll find the Dictionary program, shown in Figure 11-14, on the Applications Accessories menu. As soon as you start typing, the program will begin to look up the word in the dictionary, and this can cause a momentary delay before the letters appear on your screen. To access the online dictionary, simply select On a Web Site from the drop-down list next to the Look Up field.

If you run into problems while writing the new partitioning scheme to disk, this is probably due to a Tip

FOR XML RAW ELEMENTS mode produces very element-centric XML. It turns each row in the result set where each column is converted into an attribute. FOR XML RAW ELEMENTS mode also doesn t produce an XML document, since it has as many root elements (raw) as there are rows in the result set, and an XML document can have only one root element.

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Add Header and Footer to PDF using iTextSharp C# | ASPForums.Net
hi all, PDF - Report-from-database-in-ASPNet- using - iTextSharp -C-and- ...

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How to add Header and Footer in a pdf using itextsharp - CodeProject
Here, pdftemplate is the itextcharp class. with this you can give footer to ... how to add headers and footers to your iTextSharp PDF documents.

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